
Posted 1M ago by @ZippyPinkazalea

I am brand new to caring for plants 😊 This baby came with...

0ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Hi Jennifer! If the rest of your plant is healthy, a few brown leaves are likely just part of its normal life cycle. If they bother you, feel free to trim them off with scissors or pruners sterilized with rubbing alcohol, otherwise they'll eventually fall off on their own.
@ZippyPinkazalea another tip for caring for your baby rubber plant...they don't like sitting in wet soil, which can lead to root rot. Make sure the soil has a chance to dry out between waterings. And if Greg tells you it's time to water but the soil still feels damp, hit the "snooze" button. Keep in mind Greg's reminders are only suggestions, but they'll improve the more you use the app 😊
@stephonicle thank you!
I completely agree with @stephonicle (: That plant is also soft enough for you to pinch leaves off with your fingernails.

I'm glad you found Greg, Jennifer!
@sarahsalith thanks Sarah! ☺️
@sarahsalith thank you! Very helpful also 😊