
Posted 2Y ago by @BraveEndive

So droopy

2ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
this looks thirsty or like it needs more light. what way does its window face?
@RJG if you click on it, it says it's in an east facing window + direct sunligh
@strawberrymoon isn't she overwatered?
oh nice, sorry not everyone fills out their plant cards. is the soil super dry?
@SabelleTo i’m not very sure, their environment/potting seems ok (drainage, pretty close to light) and not prone to overwatering ^^; but i think they’re a little under watered maybe? bc the leaves look healthy, just droopy and that happens to a lot of my plants when they need water
@strawberrymoon Exactly what I thought. I would bottom water it and see how much water it drinks. if it drinks very quickly you have your answer.
Do you think should bottom water or spray leaves ? How often should I water? Temperature is on the cooler side and likely low humidity (heating in a Canadian winter)
Def think this is an underwater situation. Have only been watering every 2 weeks or so and soil has been dry