
Posted 1M ago by @YokeCarobtree30

I just received my prayer plant today. The dirt is frozen...

Last watered 1 month ago
Congrats on your new baby! If it’s frozen, let it come to room temp before we start care. Just trying to eliminate any more shock. Then I’d start w addressing the drainage to make sure the roots have nice air flow :)! I’d wait to see if you need to water and leave the plant somewhere to acclimate for awhile. Calathea love high humidity and bright indirect light where it will be dark at night (helps with their nighttime routine, I forget the scientific name). Best of luck!! I’m hoping it’s just minor frost damage and the plant will bounce back in your care!! :)
I opened it hoping that it would warm up. Praying that when it does and I repot it that it will survive.
Oh boy that really bad. To be honest I would contact who you bought it from and send them a photo. I honestly do not think that can be saved. They are quite challenging plants to begin with. And that look like it’s past the point of coming back. Sorry 😒
Oh boy, if it got frost.. it's not coming back 😬🌿

That can and will kill any and all tropical plants.

I would contact the seller and ask them to ship it better or avoid buying when the weather is below 15Β° c
I contacted seller today. Waiting for a response
@YokeCarobtree30 I am so sorry about your plant. I really hope you get a compensation. Calatheas do not tolerate frost, so if the roots were frozen I am afraid it will not make it. The leaves are gone for sure.
But, if you have managed to check the roots and there still are some that are yellow and healty and not brown/black, it might be able to regrow from the roots. My Yellow Fusion survived the mail because the roots had not completly frozen and it was able to regrow. But it will take timeπŸͺ΄