
Posted 2M ago by @WittyLimefiddle

Too much water or too much sun

Have had this aloe for a couple of years and it goes through periods of looking skinny and discolored. Can't tell if it's too much water or too much sun this time around? Or mites?
3ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Hi @WittyLimefiddle looking at the soil it might be overwatered. Hopefully it’ll dry out. If it gets worse you may have to repot.
Too much water. Let her dry out and make sure the soil can drain. Soil should be really dry before watering. If it was too much sun the edges would look reddish/brown and unlikely to droop like yours. Glazed Ceramic is going to retain water more than terracotta so you don’t need to water much especially in winter. Good luck!
@WittyLimefiddle I have been there with my aloe as well. It’s over watering. When I stopped watering it got better. I literally had to stop watering for like a month. Now I water every 3 weeks or so. It’s also very helpful to make sure the aloe is potted in a terra cotta pot which will aid in the evaporation of excess water, use a well draining soil, and make sure the pot is not too big. Big means it will dry slower. I learned all this the hard way! πŸ˜…πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« my aloe are now alive and slowly improving.
I water mine every 2 weeks but only 2 1/2 cups of water. Here’s what she looks like now. I may have to repot soon.