I've found these small egg-like specks on my ferns leaves
I'm wondering what they are. I've managed to get rid of them once before, only to have them reappear after about a month of being free of them! They appear up the stems, on the leaves themselves, and I'm guessing they're tucked in the roots as well. I have separated my Rabbits foot from the rest of my plants, but it doesn't seem like neem oil, isopropyl alcohol, or microfiber rub downs have been enough to keep these off. What are they and how can I avoid this? Please help! Signed, the most unlucky #RabbitFootFern #help !
3ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@muddiedvine yeah, those appear to be pests. If they are cottony like, and waxy feeling when you smush them, they are mealy bugs. To me they look more like aphids. Either way, physical removal and destruction is the best first step. You can also start using some hydrogen peroxide (about a 1:10 dilution) when you water the plant (from the top) to help in killing off any of the larval stages. If this plant is outside, it's just something you have to deal with..... repeatedly. You could try to introduce some natural predatory insects if you want to keep it outside. You'd need to research it. Possibly lady bugs.
You could also add a systemic pest control to the soil. Then when the pesties take a bite of the plant, it should kill them.
You could also add a systemic pest control to the soil. Then when the pesties take a bite of the plant, it should kill them.