
Posted 2M ago by @PalmadeSera

The space between turtles is about 1 inch-1.5”. How do I...

2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@PalmadeSera tender love and care and lots of patience! ☺️ sorry I do not have this plant maybe others will give you a less smart answer than mine! 🀣 welcome to Greg!!
Allow them to grow and then you can cut between nodes and stick back into the soil so the nodes can grow roots :) you can also water propagate the nodes if that’s easier, just strip off leaves closest to the water first to avoid root rot.
I read somewhere that putting the extra stems back into the pot can promote additional foliage growth. I read this because I have a string of hearts and a string of arrows, and they can look bare if you don’t propagate and put more in the pot and try getting them to sprout on their own after it flowers . I’m new to the species, while String of Turtles is a Peperomia. The String of Arrows and String of Hearts aren’t. I have done a lot of reading on this. Good luck to you. I also have a couple of Pepperomia.🌱πŸͺ΄