
Posted 2M ago by @PrincessMahoe


#Taro hi! My plant has gone a bit floppy again but the soil is a damp still. I water once a week and give it a good soak, but I’m not sure if this is a sign of over watering or not enough water. It grows super fast so not sure if I should clip the bent stems 😭 I’ve tied them to the stronger stems for now. Any advice?
20ft to light, direct
16” pot with drainage
Last watered 7 months ago
Cut those that flop like that. It’s retiring that leaf for more leaves to grow. Taros, Alocasias and Colocasias do this to the oldest leaves. It’s definitely happy and healthy with no issues.
How bout this one??? Just got her she was in no pot at the store just on the ground. Those are the 3rd and 4th leaves to do that the stems are squishy.. see the 3rd pic where I cut by the brown on the left stalk. What’s going on cause the soil is almost dry completely?
Only the yellow leaf stems are softer
@userec66f814 id cut those yellow ones, maybe let it dry out before watering again!