
Posted 1M ago by @Newplantmama96

Help with yellowing leaves

#GoldenPothos I have this plant that seems to be taking a turn for the worse. The one leaf was totally green November 7th and is now almost entirely yellow. There are a few others that also are starting to turn yellow. I do have a bigger pot being delivered today and some new substrate (mollys mix off Amazon- is that a good one?) Have I killed my first plant, lol?
2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@Newplantmama96 Hi Kaitlyn Yellowing leaves usually means that it's been over-watered. Always wait until the top couple of inches of soil is dry before you water it. Too much water doesn't allow the roots to be able to breathe and will eventually cause root rot. I'm not sure how large the pot is that you're speaking of but putting a plant that size in too large of a pot won't allow the soil to dry out during watering and could potentially cause root rot as well. If you're going to repot it I would only go up one to two inches larger than the pot that it's currently in. I also have my pathos in a succulent soil mix. It allows it to dry out between waterings.
@Newplantmama96 don't stress as long as there are still green leaves you have not killed it. ☚ïļðŸ‘
@princesspitstop The reason behind repotting is because I have roots coming through the drainage holes on the bottom as well as on the top of the soil (I do have aerial roots as well but I am referring to the roots from the base of the plant coming up through the soil). I water it once every 9/10 days but did give it an extra water when we turned the heat on as it got dry super fast lol!
@Newplantmama96 It could definitely use a repotting then! The change of soil will help as well. Take a good look at the roots when you repot to make sure there aren't any yellow roots while you're in there. If they are good, we can mark that off and try to figure out what else the problem could be. Since there are a number of different reasons this could be happening. I took a stab at over-watering because mine would turn yellow and drop just like that.
@Newplantmama96 In addition to all of @princesspitstop Heidi’s advice, it can also be totally normal for these to shed leaves as the plant grows. As long as it’s not a lot of leaves at once and the plant is otherwise healthy. ðŸ’šðŸŒą
@debbiedo Thank you for you're input! There is just the one leaf that is yellow, one that is just a tad yellow, and a handful that have brown spots (these leaves are in one are and all surrounding leaves are green and beautiful!)
@Newplantmama96 It sounds pretty healthy to me. These also tend to get leggy, meaning a vine will get really long and then start losing leaves. I take that as a cue to chop and propagate 😊💚
That REALLY looks like it is caused by overwatering. I just looked up your Mollys Mix and I’m assuming the Aroid mix? If so yes that will be great for it I have all of mine in soilless mixes and I have about 6 varieties of pothos, the golden included. Looking at the ingredients list your pothos will like it!

Here are some tips so you have success this time.

1. Check for root rot on yours when you repot it might have it from over watering I will include more info on that in a minute.

2. Only water a pothos when the soil is totally dry.

3. Plenty of light mine are all under grow lights 12 hours a day. This will prevent legginess and give you a full pot.

4. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer it is easier for your plant to absorb. Make sure it has NPK/ Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium

5. Do NOT mist all that does is lead to fungal infections.

6. Give it a moss pole to climb like in nature they LOVE it and it will grow even better. I say moss pole because in nature they climb up trees to reach for the sun. Moss pole give the plant something to hold onto to help them climb.

Pothos are easy going plants as long as you do not over they are called Devils Ivy for a reason it’s nearly impossible able to kill.
For Root Rot if it has started. The yellowing leaves may be a sign of that..

When you go to repot check the roots. Cut off any that are brown, black or mushy. Then soak the rest of the leaves in 1 part 3% peroxide and 3 parts water for 5 minutes. After that you can replant in your new pot. Just throw out your old soil and sterilize the pot. Scrub the pot with soapy water
water and then scrub with your peroxide mix. Root rot is caused by bacteria and you need to remove all of the bacteria or else it will come back.

Hopefully it is not root rot though ðŸĪž
@SuperbRaspfern I did repot last night and there was NO root rot! I put her in a clear pot as well so I can see the roots/soil. It is under a grow light that is on about 16hrs a day (I turn on when I wake up and turn off before I head to bed). I did fertilize with a liquid fertilizer after I repotted! I trimmed the yellow leaf and will try my hardest not to over water 😅
Here she is this morning after the repot
@Newplantmama96Good! That is great news âĪïļ
Sigh... another yellow leaf and a third one is starting as well. I just misted with alcohol/water/dawn for bug treatment that's why it appears wet. Do I just continue to cut these yellowing leaves away? Will the whole plant do this?