Hey everyone! I need a little help from the #thanksgiving...
I didn't realize that my grow lights would provide too much light for my thanksgiving cactus. I noticed the stress colors and moved it to a southeast facing window (that's the closest I have to east facing). It's been there for the last 3 weeks or so and it has #newgrowth which, is a good sign I think but, I'm wondering why the purple stress color hasn't gone or at least faded at all. Is it possibly still stressed you think or am I just impatient? #falsechristmascactus #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #newplantmom #plantcorner #thanksgivingcactus
1ft to light, indirect
4β pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Best Answer
Flower buds? Sweet! The color itself doesn't bother me, I actually love it, one of my favorite colors. My son brought it home for me from school for mother's day and I just want it to be and stay healthy. If it stays colored, I'm worried I won't be able to tell if it's stressed in the future. Thank you so much @plantt, your answer made me happy!!