
Posted 1M ago by @FairyFly

Hey everyone! I need a little help from the #thanksgiving...

I didn't realize that my grow lights would provide too much light for my thanksgiving cactus. I noticed the stress colors and moved it to a southeast facing window (that's the closest I have to east facing). It's been there for the last 3 weeks or so and it has #newgrowth which, is a good sign I think but, I'm wondering why the purple stress color hasn't gone or at least faded at all. Is it possibly still stressed you think or am I just impatient? #falsechristmascactus #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #newplantmom #plantcorner #thanksgivingcactus
1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Best Answer
It’ll take a while for the color stressing to fade. Is it just personal preference, that you don’t like the color stressing and want it gone? Just asking, cause it’s not actually harming the plant in any way.
And, that new growth looks like it’s actually flower buds, so congrats!
Flower buds? Sweet! The color itself doesn't bother me, I actually love it, one of my favorite colors. My son brought it home for me from school for mother's day and I just want it to be and stay healthy. If it stays colored, I'm worried I won't be able to tell if it's stressed in the future. Thank you so much @plantt, your answer made me happy!!
They love bananas peels in their water not to be water a lot. East south window is where mine sit.