
Posted 4M ago by @AllieHeiser

Browning leaves and new growth that won’t uncurl #Fishbon...

I saved this plant from a local Home Depot. It came hydroponic and in the jar it’s currently in. I placed in my bathroom and changed the water hoping it would receive its needs. I even put some plant food in it. It still seems to be brown, dropped a few leaves, and new growth won’t uncurl. Wondering if anyone had any tips!
3ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
They love, love humidity! I have mine in the bathroom. And I still mist it. You can go to and they have an article about them. They are labeled a β€œPrayer Plant” because they close up at night like they are praying. The history is wonderful. All plants in this genera do this. And welcome to the #GregFam #GreggersSupportingGreggers πŸͺ΄πŸžπŸŒΈπŸŒ»πŸ¦‹
Maybe repotting into soil? I bought mine potted and I place her in sunlight and she seems happy as of now :)