
Posted 1w ago by @BriskRedspinach

Is it the watering schedule, pot size, or needs fertilize...

Do not follow the Greg watering schedule. Greg is in the learning stage, and should learn from YOU when to water.
Your plant is overwatered. Let the soil dry COMPLETELY 2" deep (check with your finger). Each time the Greg app tels you to water, and the top 2" is still damp, press "snooze" and do not water. This way you'll teach the app to wait.
And you need to give your plant more light, like on the photo.
More light for how long? It was growing nicely for awhile with just the sun and then that happened and winter came as well
Bright indirect light for 6 hours a day.

I'm saying about light, because on the photo in your question, there's not much light there.
Oh I just took it right now and it is night
@SvelteKingfern @SvelteKingfern Thankyou! I did not know this. I thought it was telling us how often they needed watered as well ๐Ÿ˜ข Iโ€™ve killed 3 plants!
Always check the plant before you water. I use a bamboo skewer to stick in to see if it's still wet
I have an electric soil meter I bought too
I have succulents. I realised something was wrong when the apo told me to water after 7 days. (it was Spring). I water every fortnight in Spring.
Never water on a schedule. That's how you kill a plant. Greg is a create app to identify plants, but that's about it. Watering on a schedule, it's just gonna cause overwatering and the death of your plant. Rule of thumb is to water when the soil is completely dry