
Posted 4M ago by @E.vhx

Advice for lemon tree πŸ‹

My mom has a lemon tree which was doing well last year but this year all the leaves turned yellow and fell off.

The tree lives in a glass house (in England so no real intense heat or light!) She repotted the tree in a larger pot with fresh soil a week ago and already a few leaves have sprouted and little flowers.

Can anyone recommend how much and often she might need water to help her thrive??
#MeyerLemonTree #LemonTree #outdoorgardens #help #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
Without feeling the soil? It's hard to say "water every ___ days". There's a rthymn to watering, not a schedule.

BUT!! Have no fear! My lemon trees have lost ALL their leaves in the winter and grown them all back by summer. (:

I'm in the southern US and my tree stays outside. I have to water it every few days because it is hot as all get out.
@sarahsalith that’s reassuring, thank you! My mom and I are pretty new to this plant business so just adjusting to what’s normal and what’s a concern! 🀣

Thanks so much for the advice πŸ’š
I am happy to help, Emily! (:

The flowers smell AMAZING, don't they?!