
Posted 1w ago by @Popcornjoness

She is here!!!! #PlantMail

Everyone I introduce Grizelda, my beautiful baby #MonsteraDeliciosaAurea I’m so excited right now!!! I could scream!! #PlantMail #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #NewPlantMom #Monstera #MonsteraMob #PlantCorner #GregGang #Greggers #PLANTMAFIA #PlantMoms #MonsteraAurea
0ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Oh how adorable yayyyyy! It looks like a puppy turning its head to the side.
@RealSimpleMama that’s what I said! The puppy tilt lol
Omg!! That's such a cool type of monstera, ngl tho I thought it was a golden pothos for a sec. Do the leaves become larger or do they remain this small?
@StarryKentia they get huge lol just like a monstera Albo, but yellow
Gorgeous!! Congrats!
Wow congrats to you!!! I just recently got one of these too 😁 along with another Albo
@YammieOf3 I’ve completed my Monstera deliciosa collection! I’m so happy
@Popcornjoness that’s great!!!
@Popcornjoness I’d like to suggest that you get some Aglaonema plants now. They are so colorful and easy to care for plants. They are my absolute favorites.
What a CUTIE!!