
Posted 4M ago by @RealSimpleMama

Best online place to buy a #SnakePlant

Hi! Sooooo I’ve been behaving 😏 ordered ZERO new plants since December or January. Just did a largeish order from #BrosWithHoes but they didn’t have any snakes in stock. And I WANT MORE! I currently have two and I love them.

Favorite online shops for small snake plants?! Ready set go! 🌱☀️❤️🐍🐍🐍
3ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 weeks ago
Best Answer
IKEA has really nice large ones at a good price. Walmart has a 6 count snake plant variety that I ordered. I got some really nice plants in mine.
Hi! I’ve found a large variety of affordable snake plants on Blossm. I’ve had great ordering experiences as well.

I’m attaching my referral link so you cann get a discount if you find something you like!
@ImmaShiningStar I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IKEA mwahahaha