
Posted 1M ago by @wolfwoman

Is it finished?

I guess I'll post all my problem plants. Now my euphorbia Crown of Thorns seems like she's going through it. Leaves feel a little leathery and don't look happy. Couple brown spots here and there. I only water every once in a while. More light maybe? She's in a south window. Thanks! #euphorbia #crownofthorns #succulentsquad #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict
1ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
@wolfwoman It looks as if you got water on the leaves of your Crown of Thorns! Getting water on the leaves of a Crown of Thorns cactus (Euphorbia milii) can potentially harm the plant, as it prefers to be watered at the base and not have its leaves consistently wet, which can lead to fungal issues and rotting; it's best to avoid getting water directly on the leaves and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Key points to remember:
Overwatering is the biggest threat:
Crown of Thorns plants are succulents and thrive in well-draining soil, so overwatering is the most common cause of damage; always let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Water at the base:
When watering, pour water directly onto the soil at the base of the plant, avoiding the leaves.
Leaf spotting and discoloration:
If you see spots or discoloration on the leaves, it could be a sign of fungal infection caused by overly wet leaves.
Good air circulation:
To prevent fungal growth, ensure your plant has adequate air circulation. Feel free to check out this website for more info:,in%20soil%2Dbased%20potting%20mix. Happy Growing!
@Ms.Persnickety, thank you. I appreciate it.
@Ms.Persnickety turns out the soil she came in was too dense. I've taken her out of that pot and am letting her dry out. I'll replace in succulent mix. Thanks again.
@wolfwoman It is my pleasure to be able to contribute to your plant knowledge. And I want to thank you so much for giving me the Best Answer recognition. It is very much appreciated and you’ve made my day. The pic is of my Crown of Thorns it has been growing quite a bit, it’s been under a grow light for about 6-8 hours daily. I bottom water all my cacti with Distilled water without any plant food until Spring. And I’m hoping that it will start to bloom again by then.
@Ms.Persnickety, your plant is gorgeous. Mine, not so much. I'm worried. I wrapped her root ball in newspaper for a bit, then gently got the medium off her roots. They look good, but should the stem look like this?
@wolfwoman To be honest I do not know what the stem should look like. But I would venture to say that unless the stem feels soft and mushy it’ll be fine. Just keep an eye on it as the roots dry out. Then you should be okay to repot. Sorry that I don’t any better concrete advice .
@Ms.Persnickety, it's ok. The outer layer was a little soft, but firm and has a hard center. I'm just going to try and report in a new mix and see. Thanks for everything!