
Posted 1M ago by @KeenGrugrupalm

Tips on helping pothos deal with transplant shock?

Transferred my water props to dirt recently, and it seems to be having some pretty harsh transplant shock. (Wilted leaves, limp stems, etc.) Is there any way to help, and to ensure that the prop survives? Any help is appreciated! #PothosPack #planthelp #PlantLove
1ft to light, direct
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
@KeenGrugrupalm Yeah! I think the nursery pot would work too so they have their own room to grow, and the smaller space may promote the baby roots. They might feel overwhelmed with all the soil so I would look into if that helps when transplanting:-) good luck (again!)
I’m not an expert but I do have discovery questions to help find an answer! What was the soil mixture you placed the props in? Did you include fertilizers? Did you try to place the props in a nursery pot first? Sorry, again I’m not the expert but hopefully answering these can steer you in the right the right direction. Best of luck for the babies they’re gorgeous🀞🏿 :-)
@greenthumbcats2 The only fertilizer I have in there is the stuff that came in the soil lol. I did not put them in a nursery pot, i honestly never thought to do that when I transferred them from water :’) The fertilizer is a great idea though, I might have to run out and get some!