
Posted 1M ago by @CalmingOxlip34

Will the fake flower hurt my cactus?

This cactus was a get well present for my boyfriend from his kids and it came with this fake plastic flower attached to the top. Is it going to hurt my cactus? Will it eventually grow enough that it comes off or is there a safe way to remove it?
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
It is glued on mostly to the spines so shouldn't hurt it to much as it grows it will slowly pull the glue apart but will stay on in clumps.

You can just cut it off with scissors leaving the glue on the spines and picking it off.

Also welcome to greg and the guys over at #cactusclique can also help
I’ve heard you could use pure acetone or rubbing alcohol to remove the flower safely because it removes the glue. However I’m not sure how the cactus itself would handle that. I wish they’d stop glueing flowers to cacti.