
Posted 2M ago by @RulerMoonflower

Trying to save this fella


Hi peeps, I finally received this Autumn Bliss raspberry from the mail after much delays (7days).

Now, its sitting in my plant 'hospital' under grow lights. It has lost all its leaves overnight. Can it recover?

I topped up it's water(111ml)mixed with some (2g) root hormone last night which was already running on empty. Today, I covered the top part with plastic snipped at the edges to retain humidity and help with transpiration.

I'm relying on Greg and a device to monitor soil moisture, light, nutrient, temperature to help save this little one.

Waiting for new buds! seems like it's on life support for now.
5โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
I don't have any advice for saving it, sounds like you're doing everything you can. I would however contact the vendor you purchased it from to let them know so they can send you a replacement or refund you.