Pilea prop?
Debating on chopping mama up this weekend, what would you all do? In the second picture I drew lines where I thought about cutting.
#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PropagationStation #Propagation #Pilea
#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PropagationStation #Propagation #Pilea
0ft to light, direct
10β pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
It really depend on how healthy that lower leaf is. It would leave it with only one and if it drops it soon after than you will be left with a bare stem and it likely wonβt branch out like it would on a healthy stem with leaves left. But seeing that you have two pups under it than you might not mind and can just cut the stem down if nothing happens.
They do prop very easily. Although I do recommend propping it in water and they are prone to rot if planted back in the soil. I have propped many successfully in water. π¦ If you want a more full plant try moving it to a place it gets more light. That will help it grow more full and not leggy. Providing you have a spot with more light available. They generally do not like direct south facing windows during summertime though, so keep that in mind. They get sun stressed very fast and turn quite red and get dried out looking leaves.
They do prop very easily. Although I do recommend propping it in water and they are prone to rot if planted back in the soil. I have propped many successfully in water. π¦ If you want a more full plant try moving it to a place it gets more light. That will help it grow more full and not leggy. Providing you have a spot with more light available. They generally do not like direct south facing windows during summertime though, so keep that in mind. They get sun stressed very fast and turn quite red and get dried out looking leaves.
@SuperbRaspfern thank you!