
Posted 2Y ago by @FrontpagePothos

Why is the leaf turning yellow?

One of the leaves is turning yellow. I just re-potted this plant. What do I need to do? Everything was all green when i re-potted. #DappledSnowbrush
0ft to light, direct
6โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Hi Brandi, welcome to Greg!

It could be transplant shock. A lot of plants will droop, yellow, drop leaves, etc after being repotted and need 2-4 weeks to adjust.

Since it is no longer growing season is recommended trying to give it the best growing conditions you can: lots of light or a grow light, etc.

I don't know much about orchids so I'd add some # about them to your post to see if those that do can lend some more specific advice. It does look like the soil may be too dense.
Hi Ashley, Thank you so much. I'll try this things.