
Posted 2M ago by @wearenature

Help! What is this?

#MesembryanthemumCordifolium #babysunrose #happyplants
Hi! Late summer my beautiful baby sun rose bloomed and after they all died off I read that it would encourage new blooms by deheading them, I followed that and now she has been slowly dying from the base, up, I thought maybe it's because blooms won't regrow there and it's shedding but it seems to be it could affect the whole plant? I don't want her to die and I'm not sure what I can do. I water her about once a month the stem is dead but still attached. It starts off at the stem and slowly spreads to the base and the leaves.
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
You probably don't water enough. Put your finger 2" in the soil, water profoundly if that top 2" is completely dry. Wait again till top 2" of soil completely dry (check with your finger).
Baby sun rose is a succulent, and should be watered as a succulent.
You wrote that the soil is regular. It doesn't look too bad, but in Spring repot to succulent soil.
Hi, I wasn't sure what she was potted in but it's definitely not regular and possibly a succulent soil it was very fast draining and not absorbent so much I could never really put my finger into the soil. I think she was root bound too because so many roots were dry and dehydrated they didn't look like roots, and alot fell off as I just repotted her to orchids soil mix with perlite, I'm hoping she doesnt experience repotting shock it was so difficult to remove all tiny roots from the really dry soil! Although she loved whatever it was, looking back, she did show signs of needing water about every 3 ish weeks, she used to be an all outdoors plant, when I got her she got 3 to 6 hours of indirect bright light and she loved it and boomed atleast 7 times, I'm not sure how I managed to underwater her, besides the decaying all her leaves still look beautiful !
I have a couple varieties of baby sun roses, mine live outside in Florida & like to be watered about every 7 days. Yours does look very dehydrated.. id maybe give that thing a good heavy soaking, but I’d also recommend a smaller terracotta pot.. I’ve found the more crowded they are the better they grow but terracotta ensures the soil dries out quick enough to stay away from root/stem rot. I’d also water a bit sooner than almost a month. These also are sun loving & the sun encourages tighter leaves, new growth & blooms! Hope it bounces back 🀍
If all else fails, they do propagate very easy! I have 2 dozen clippings right now I’m trying to root so I can give them away lol. They in my opinion, root faster in water then they do in soil.
Give her a stable condition. Let her acclimatise to the new situation. Be very patient. Baby sun rose is resilient.
Thank you, I noticed one of her set of leaves is perked up
@wearenature it sure did perk up!!
@wearenature oh hey, just wanted to mention that I don’t think those sucked up stems are going to fill back out so I’d maybe cut what’s dead off so she can focus on new growth & the roots energy ☺️ hope she’s doing better !
I cut off to where there was still green growth, but by the base it looks dry then the leaves and stem look alive ? She's recovering in terracotta and is a lot thirstier than I thought!