
Posted 2M ago by @TycoonCorncob

What is going on with him?

His πŸƒ's started falling off and he is droopy on top. The soil is dry.
10ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
Lack of light. This plant is looking for bright light.
@TycoonCorncob Volod, hit this one spot on .
@ILoveMyPlants LOL. Why does it show my name as Volod? 🀣🀣🀣 it is Volodymyr
@vvvelo I'm seeing the full name
Btw Daniel, @TycoonCorncob , I guess you have the wrong ID for this plant. Can you post a better picture of it, please? I guess you have golden sedum
@NotableKonjac it looks like this for me. Lol I guess it depends on the size of the screen.
@vvvelo LOL because that’s the part that shows πŸ˜† Duly noted to check further before posting what, I questioned myself . Sorry 😣
@ILoveMyPlants no worries. I see same issue. I guess it is iPhone’s issue.
@vvvelo light was 12 inches away now is 6 inches away
I don't think your grow light is strong enough, unfortunately. You may want to either add another one or buy a different brand. And definitely not a jellybean. The leaves are too big.