
Posted 1M ago by @GoodTunicflower

Greg advises me to fertilize but do fertilizers work in p...

0ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
Hi @GoodTunicflower I don’t know if I’d trust Greg’s recommendation to fertilize, and if you do decide to fertilize, get a liquid orchid fertilizer that you can add to water to dilute it on the next watering cycle. οΏΌhere’s an article on fertilizing an orchid.
Do not trust Greg's recommendation regarding amount. It makes no sense. There are many different kinds of fertilizer in the market. It's ludicrous to say to just take x mg or whatever. Instead use the information given by the manufacturer (I hope it's an orchid specific one) and push the fertilizer button every time you fertilized. Then green can learn. And after a while you will be reminded when it is time again to fertilize.
Do *not* fertilize the crown. There never should be liquid there.
As for foliar feeding, I guess you can do it, but I'm skeptical. If you do not have a fertilizer that specifically asks to put it on the leaves, never use full strength. If you do not have orchid fertilizer, though I highly recommend you use one, also don't use full strength.
What do you mean by peat? I hope your orchid is not in real peat? So you mean coco peat? I can't make it out from the picture.
@Momof83ans Thank you for this information!
@MusicalRedmint it is sphagman moss
Ah. That's great. Then just use a good orchid fertilizer. Most are solutions or powders you add to the water and then you use it according to the instructions
@MusicalRedmint Thanks so much Susann. You have been a great help!
No worries. Sometimes Greg can be a bit confusing and not every feature works the way it should.
Yeah agree, don’t go after what Greg’s recommends, buy orchid fertilizers and use them when watering. I also have an orchid foliage spray, use it 2-3 times a week on foliage and aerial roots, the orchids feel great πŸ‘πŸΌ
Thank you too Maria!