
Posted 1M ago by @ArieBerrie

Yellowing leaves and strange burn marks

I noticed recently that my golden pothos leaves aren't that healthy green they used to be (center picture shows how it looked before, sorry I can't order them) They're yellowing and some leaves have burns. I'm confident there are no pests and I water on a regular schedule. I have been fertilizing them -- should I be doing that less? Could it be my grow light?
2ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 weeks ago
Best Answer
I don't know about pothos, but if you're in the northern hemisphere and it's winter, I suggest you either drop the fertilizer or fertilize a lot less. Winter is often the time when most plants are dormant or going dormant (unlike one of my newer ones) and will get confused, especially when there is now a lot less natural light. For dormancy, water less and either drop the fertilizer or fertilize less.
Sounds good, I thought so. Thank you!