
Posted 5M ago by @Alexlatney01

Where did it go?!

My cactus had this pretty pink bloom on top of it, and when I came out to water my plants this morning it was gone!! Is that normal? And is it going to hurt my cactus?? #CactusClique #help #Cactus #Mammillaria
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Did you watch this flower bloom? If you bought it with that on top a squirrel or any other critter could have come and taken it. Most box stores sell them with plastic flowers on top.
@Plants_Galore I thought it was fake at first but it actually opened and closed as the plant needed water so I do think it was real. I found the bloom laying on the ground a few feet away. Do you think it will hurt the plant?
@Alexlatney01 No I doubt it will hurt the plant . Hope it keeps growing strong, the rest of it looks healthy
Cactus flowers don’t last long. It is normal and the cactus will be fine
The little flower in the photo looks like straw flower - a little decoration glued on top to look cute. They appear to open and close but that’s due to humidity. Your cactus looks very healthy and mammillaria typically bloom around the crown.