
Posted 3M ago by @MOTHERHOOD

Popcorn around my plant 🀨

Hii so....what is this 😭 my plants been growing some roots now but it's been having these white puffy things popping out of it that don't look like roots. Cause for concern? Is this normal πŸ’€ it's looking more like burnt popcorn these days #happyplants #greggang #plantsmakepeoplehappy #newgrowth #propagationstation #growlights #newplantmom #monsteramonday #plantaddict
6ft to light, indirect
2” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
You need some hashtags so more people can see your posts. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #PropagationStation #GregGang #help
Are you talking about this? If so it just looks like a bit of plant matter ☺️
Maybe those are some kind of mushrooms