
Posted 5M ago by @Catplantaddict

My #delphinium is overly wet (I think I overwatered it 😭)...

I have blue delphinium, but it's soaking wet. It has drainage via tiny holes, but it's absolutely soaked. What can I do to help it? I'm so sad 😭
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
As someone else has recommended on here, try a tampon! It’ll absorb the extra water. Such a genius idea that I’ve never thought of before but it works great! Wish I could remember the gal’s name who I saw suggest it
Immediately repot in new dry soil. And do not water again for a while.
Pics always help😊
@rebbieirl, I heard the tampon trick, too, but for some reason, I didn't think of that LOLLLL
@tunnybiger I'll try to give it a better pot as well and try planting more seeds of that kind because I think I failed 😒