
Posted 4M ago by @peachiifox

Why does my plant hate life?

3ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
Could you show us a up to date picture? That will help us to maybe figure out what’s wrong ☺️ @peachiifox
Ofc! Here she is as of today
What are the white spots on the plant ? Are those little bugs @peachiifox
@Freaksarebusy no might be from the birds that like to go around my plants
Than honestly I can’t really see anything that looks like she hates life ? What tell you she might be struggling? πŸ˜…β˜ΊοΈ @peachiifox
@Freaksarebusy when I first got her she had way more flowers and since then they’ve slowly been drying up and falling off so I figured that’s a sign she’s not happy
She looks good to me and on your picture it looks like plenty of new flowers are coming ☺️ so I wouldn’t worry about her right know, flowers take a lot of energy from the plant so it totally normal to have fluctuation in flower numbers ☺️ @peachiifox
@Freaksarebusy okay good I’m glad she’s okay. Thanks a bunch for the responses!