
Posted 2Y ago by @Gordo

Is this variegation?

Hi Greggers! What do we think. This is the newest leaf and I got a unusual surprise when I had a closer look. οΏΌIs my philodendron silver cloud variegated (looking at the lighter green sections and not referring to the sliver) or am I just seeing things? #AskGreg #HappyPlants #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PLANTMAFIA #NewGrowth #PlantShelfie #Greggers #SpringIntoSummer #fallintowinter #FreshLeafFriday
7ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Best Answer
Looks like it to me! Cool patterning as well! 😍
@Gordo it looks like variegation to me.
@KikiGoldblatt that’s what I’m hoping. This is the only leaf so far but it’s working on another so fingers crossed 🀞.
I agree definitely some type of variegation 😍 That’s so beautiful, can’t wait for mine to catch up hehe
@Gordo that’s exciting. I am variegating my two golden pothos now. I moved them closer to light. I love variegated plants.
@HoyaAddict yours is a cutting from this plant. Hopefully some will show on yours 🀞
@KikiGoldblatt yeah more light helps from what I have seen. Hopefully you get some great variegation
Agree with everyone else in this thread! You’re doing an amazing job @Gordo, those variegations looks beautiful on that Philo 😍🌿
@Gordo your plants never disappoint!!!😍😍πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅
Loving this variation!!!πŸ’šπŸ’š
@OKIEgrnthmb thanks so much for the complement Amber 😊 you should e very proud of your collection as well!πŸ’šπŸŒ±
@Gordo thank you me too. I am already seeing some variation in on of my pothos.
@kscape thanks so much. I think it’s a sports variegation as I have never seen it before on a silver cloud
@KikiGoldblatt looking great. πŸ’šπŸŒ± love the pot!
Regardless of variegation why isn't this a #SpringIntoSummer #fallintowinter post πŸ‘€
This leaf is gorgeous 😍 I found a bit of what I think is sport variegation on my Millie last night and was so excited!
Can i ask how you encourage a plant to be variegated?
We love variegation! πŸ’š
It is definitely a variegated leaf - a very pretty one πŸ‘
@DrMcPlantypants I really didn’t do anything to encourage it. High light can help bring it out but it’s mostly due to genetics of the plant and some variegation is not stable. What I did do that may of effected the plant is I cut it to propagate. Philodendron silver cloud is a crawling plant. So as it moves across the surface it puts down new roots into the soil. Since it does this it’s easier to cut the base to start propagation and the top just keeps growing. This leaf was coming out when I did the cut so it may of been the cause. No other condition had changed. I think it’s just a sport variegation but if not then I will be very happy.
@tmbryant37 oh that’s nice. Hopefully it will continue. I think mine is just sports as well
@RJG just edited ☺️
@Gordo good morning friend lead off #FreshLeafFriday !!!!
@Pegster @Serrahhhh I really love to mottling part’s πŸ’š
I'm fairly certain mine is just a sport variegation for this one leaf since the stem itself isn't showing any stripes.

I'm going to up my misting routine for her in hopes that the extra humidity might help keep it stable, but I love her regardless πŸ’—
@tmbryant37 you could try a pebble tray or just leave a glass or a vase next to the plant to help with humidity. Also group your plants and they will help each other and create a micro environment.
She's in the middle of my kitchen table which is really just a big plant stand at this point πŸ˜†

I've never used pebble trays before but I should give her one and see how she does. Thanks!