Ok y'all let's talk plant prices.
Ohk so I bet many of u have a monstera. Pls tell me how much it cost u. Cus the sellers here r doing injustice to the plants, like dude I found one for ig like $11.89. I'm one lucky soul but the problem is, I dont have enough space for one😭. But I'd still like to see what y'all got urs for! Thanks in advance!!! #proudplantmommoment #newgrowth #newplantmom #freshleaffriday #proudplantmommoment #plantcorner #rareplants #outdoorgrowing #plantlove #plantmommy #gardenlove #planttherapy #plantid #gregfam

I think it depends on the quality and size. I’ve seen small monsteras go for $20, but I like them large, so I paid $40 for Solei and $42 for Solei 2. They are both from local nurseries. However, Solei got root rot and she’s down to one leaf. I wasn’t careful with checking and she didn’t have solid aerial roots, so I dont think the price was great. Solei 2 is much healthier and already sprouting new growth with plenty of aerial roots. I also made sure the second nursery had a solid return policy, since the first nursery only guarantees their plants for a few days (which should be a red flag). I haven’t seen a Thai Constellation around here for under $60 for a small one, but California is definitely expensive. The big box stores are cheaper, but you still have to be careful because a lot of the plants aren’t well cared for. I’ve had pretty good luck with plants from Trader Joe’s and their prices are fair, but not sure if those are outside of California. Costa Farms is online and they replaced a plant that died with another type, so I thought that was good. I recommend making sure your seller has a fair replacement policy. A lot of people on here buy online, so I would ask for recommendations 🥰🌱
It depends on what type of monstera and its upkeep; if it's a Thai constellation in excellent condition, you will get up there in price almost to the hundreds place. If it's just the original (which you can quickly grow from seed 😉), you'll find the price to be very low. I only paid 8 dollars for my seeds.
How big is the pot and what kind? But either way that’s cheap for here in USA I’d say. I think at a nursery they start at like 20$ for a 4 “ starter. But if you go to a big box store it’s 30$ for a gallon pot! But ofc the quality is typically way better at nurseries and they’re acclimated to your local climate better.
@Seedstarter @TheConservator we are talking about a monstera deliciosa and it's about 2 feet tall, fully grown.
@StarryKentia, is it in good condition?
@Seedstarter Ooh yeah really pretty!!!
@StarryKentia, then 11 dollars is a steal because a big fully grown and beautiful monstera will go into the $30-80 range. Don't even get me started if they come in their own unique pots 😅. The price you are looking at is sometimes what a good monstera starter (plant baby) goes for, hence why I don't do fully grown plants.
@StarryKentia I have no idea how the exchange rate works or if you are talking USD or not? But in USD here in the northeast part of US, monstera deliciosa are a fairly affordable plant, but still considered exotic to an extent because they are tropical. But they are very common. So $20 would be an average price for a small plant, for a larger one, like you said, 2’ tall, it could vary, maybe $50? The THai Constellation is still pricey but the prices are going down as they become more common. I got a smallish one from Walmart for $30c but small shops may sell the same saize for $50-60 USD.
@Seedstarter @nellz4estfairyz @teacher12 well yeah it did come in a nice white pot!! R they easy to take care of? Thanks for da advice🧡
I really appreciate it!! California must be expensive!!
I really appreciate it!! California must be expensive!!
@StarryKentia it would be 80$ prob at nursery and 25-30 at big box store
I believe these high priced plants for the most part are a fad. Even plants in general. I’ve seen other times where plants exploded like this and died off. People buy tons then watch em die and are like 😤 never again or just don’t care anymore.. whatever the case. Trends / dads always die and with it prices stabilized. I actually think I’m kind of starting to see it now. Only difference now is that there is literally always something new with a worldwide market and genetic engineering. So maybe it will keep going 🤷♂️
@StarryKentia, my monstera babies are easy to care for, but like I said, I grew them from seed, so they have the advantage of adaptation and habilitation on their side. As said before, I'm not a fan of purchasing full adults because, more often than not, they have already adjusted themselves to the environment they are currently living in, which means that the moment you get them, they won't be beautiful anymore due to acclimation; some may even die. I can't imagine spending $80 on a plant to have it die on me, so I never even entertain buying a plant over $20.
@TheConservator interesting observation. I’ve been wondering just how “trendy” plants are at this point in time. I personally wasn’t into houseplants until I moved to a more hospitable climate and started falling in love with being surrounded by plants. I do think there is a trend aspect, but at the same time, there is so much more knowledge available. Novices actually have a chance to care for plants successfully. There is also the community aspect. I think a lot of us like being around living things, but not everyone is ready to have a child (or their children are older), and pets are incredibly high maintenance, so not everyone can realistically care for one, but plants can be more flexible. I think there is also the aspect of aging. As we get older, a lot of us appreciate the serenity of caring for plants, and I truly believe it will help with the aging process for a lot of folks because it can be a hobby that keeps you busy and moving. I see a lot of elderly people in my community who are thriving because they stay active and most of them have plants and/or gardens. And there seems to be no end to what you can find in the plant world. I am in my “plant era,” (jk) but my plants give me so much joy, I feel like they are part of my family. And, as a final thought, plant people are the nicest people I’ve met. I have avoided social media because of its toxicity for almost twenty years, and yet I find myself engaged and interested in being a part of Greg. It’s not like the others. 🥰🌱🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
You’re definitely only going to get a certain type of person on here. Not 1 type by any means ! But a certain general type. Even before the internet I found myself talking to people at plant stores or in the plant section. But I actually don’t like people all that much much lol. Except plant ones ! I’d never start a conversation anywhere except there. But it was Covid that brought it about this time. I directly saw it in my neighborhood and stores. Every time there a trend it adds to the base though so even if it stabilizes there will be a lot of new people for life.