
Posted 1Y ago by @Sourdough_Brett

Yellow spot anything to worry about?

Hello, I noticed that my snake plant has a yellow spot on one or two of it's leaves, is this somthing to worry about or is it just too much light? #SnakePlant
6ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@Sourdough_Brett Welcome to the Greg community, sorry to hear about your Sansevieria, it could have multiple causes, I found a website that might help you with your plants problem:,from%20too%20much%20direct%20sunlight. Happy Growing
Could be overwatering. Snake plants can last weeks without water.
Can you scratch the spots off?
@KDkat3 nope, just tried
I have a moonshine that came with some spots like that. They are lower but it won’t come off either. It’s never changed or spread. I was assuming it was just a snake plant thing.