
Posted 1M ago by @LaudablePeony

How to remove watermarks from plant?

I purchased this #Philodendron from a nursery and am wondering how to remove the water marks from the leaves? #HappyPlants #help #PhilodendronBrasil #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
Best Answer
Neem oil :) spray and wipe or just spray or just wipe! Best of luck! Beautiful plant :)
You’ll have to wipe down each leaf. You can use leaf shine and a microfiber glove or cloth. Or simply gently wipe down with a damp paper towel.
Spray bottle with water and a teaspoon of peppermint essential oil. It’s like a spa day for your plant! Once all the leaves are covered, take a microfiber cloth or microfiber gloves 🧀 and wipe down both the bottoms and tops of the leaves. Peppermint oil is also a good pest deterrent! πŸ€—
Beautiful plant - by the way!
I strive for my philodendron brazil to look like that one day! β™₯️
Where are the water marks? I don’t see anything different
@LaudablePeony Citronella oil and water. Like 15-20 drops in 8 oz. You can also use some lemon juice. Works like a charm.
I believe nurseries spray the plants with fungicides and pesticides and those are residues from those treatments. I personally leave the plants until they need dusting and only really wipe them at that point. At least that way, whatever protection those chemicals gave the plant can continue to work. :)
Some of my plants have the same particles on them and I've always suspected it's either residues from sprays, water salts, or stuck dust. Wiping with a damp paper towel doesn't really work because the particle seems to fade for a minute and then comes back.