What’s wrong with my plant?
Anyone know why my leaves are turning transparent/yellow/brown? And there are all these yellow/brown dots! 🥺🥺 #sickplants #help
Spider mites maybe? If you see a little bit of spider webs on it, it’s typically spider mites. I rinse off my plants that are too big to fit in the sink outside. You can treat it with a mix of 70% isopropyl alcohol mixed with water to help get rid of them, but just make sure to spray at night or when it’s at least not going to be in direct sunlight or under a grow light.
@Lilrunwaymdl I will try using that! Will the leaves recover or will they continue looking like that?
@Papatūānuku from my experience the leafs stay with the little dots and any damage unfortunately :(, but hopefully that should help her with being able to push out healthy growth :).
@PapatūānukuTry magnesium aka eptson salt, mix a little bit in water and spray it in the soil, or sprinkle a little bit on the soil then water. It also is very healthy for the roots and make plants do photosynthesis better making the plant stronger and healthy. Also if that doesn't work then do peroxide, you can spray a 50/50 mix with water and spray on the plant, the soil, peroxide plants like as well. It also prevents root rot or fixes it. Best of luck! Tell your plant I said hello haha. @Papatūānuku
@Hollywood89 I will try this! Thank you for the tips 🙏 (moaning) Mona says thanks ☺️
@Lilrunwaymdl I hope it hasn’t affected the new growth coming out 🥲 fingers crossed!
@Papatūānuku I’ve heard spider mites like new growth so I would try to keep an eye on it and try to get rid of the best you can before they go after the new growth. So I hope it’ll grow in well :)