
Posted 6M ago by @FlashyMangotree


What should I name my new plant? Same Greek/Underworld theme as usual!
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
I hope she is healthy?
As for the name,
Well, again, it's not really belonging to the realm of the underworld per se (the inhabitants there are rather limited, unless you count visitors), but involves death (which myth doesn't) and carnations? "Artemis' wrath" maybe? I mean, the story is that she just shot a nameless dude because she herself botched a hunt and blamed him for it. Right in the eyes, for existing and playing music in a meadow or wherever. Afterwards she was sorry - kind of - and turned the eyes into flowers and... voila: a dianthus was created. 🤷‍♀️
Again, if you are set on the underworld and death, I think the only one I remember and haven't mentioned yet would be the Moirai. They are more or less the bosses of the Keres I mentioned last time. Like Ker or Keres in some stories they are one, in some many. (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos.) The Moirai are the ones cutting the string of life when a life is over. Atropos is the one that ultimately cuts the thread, the others just prepare it and measure the allotted life span. Sometimes they are kind of synonymous with destiny/fate, sometimes, so it might not be dark enough to your taste, from what I've seen.
One last one, since you went with Sisyphos and Tantalos before, and those are strictly speaking not 100%underworld themed either but rather known their "mistakes" and their punishments and that they eventually got sent to tartaros: you could look up Lycurgus, who really stepped on Dionysos' toes. I think it's too wild to recount the punishment here, but he should make the list. As should Ixion. They know what they did.