
Posted 2Y ago by @KrunchyWrapz

Peperomia watering

How do yoy water your peperomias? I do the soak and dry method for all my plants but this one is super different bc although it's the same soil (possible with more perlite for drainage) it doesn't do the same. It over soaks and immediately starts to look sickly. I've cut back bit them the leaves curl and crisp. I'm lost here guys #plantsmakespeoplehappy #greggang #growingsuccs #peperomia
I water my Peperomia by using this little watering bottle! I water directly into the soil, until water is dripping out of the drainage hole. My peperomia’s medium has slightly more perlite than usual, but I make sure to soak the entire plant and soil when watering to ensure that my plant is drinking and storing the necessary water πŸͺ΄πŸ€

If this means anything, my Marble peperomia is potted in a 5” white glazed pot and I use about 300ml of water πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™
@kscape thank you. You think I have mine in too big of a pot maybe? I do the soak and dry and I have more perlite than medium in it but still can't get the watering right
Hmm..if the pot was too big, then I think you would have the opposite issue, with water sitting in your pot and your plant’s roots sitting in moisture all the time.

But, if the pot IS big and it’s terracotta, I can see the issue with the pot absorbing water and moisture when watering, and your plant is not receiving much because of this. If this were the case, making sure the plant and soil are completely soaked when watering will help.

Do you mind showing a picture of your peperomia? 😊
My hand is jn the last one to kinda help with knowing around what size it is.
How long ago did you repot, if you don’t mind me asking? The soil just looks very very dry and a little old. It could be that the soil no longer holds enough moisture for the roots to drink overtime and may be drying fast.

They like bright indirect light. If they’re in direct sunlight, their leaves can burn. I know sometimes when placed in a very sunny spot, the soil tends to dry quicker!

Honestly, I’m kind of tempted to tell you to repot in a pot that’s 2” bigger, but I would check the roots first. It looks like it’s growing, but maybe it’s root bound?
@kscape yea the roots aren't anywhere bear but enough to repot into something bigger, the one I have it pushing the limit. Poopskies. What kind of soil do you use?
@KrunchyWrap I just use Indoor potting mix and a handful of perlite since most soils, unfortunately, come with some type of gnats but I boil water and directly pour it into soil, strain it and then lay out to dry 🌿