
Posted 3w ago by @Moonstera

Propagation help - pothos

Hi everyone, this is my first time propagating pothos, and my first time propagating anything in water. Please could you tell me if the longer, thicker of these two roots is an aerial root? If so, does it matter that it's in water? At what point do I plant this up into soil? Thanks πŸ™ #pothos #propagation #pothoswater #pothos
I think once it gets 2in it's good to transfer πŸ‘

I think it is aerial, but really roots are just roots. They all can work the same. In fact, the aerial roots of banyan figs become trunks eventually
@Moonstera Hi Emma and welcome to Greg. You’re ready to plant that baby. Pothos can actually be planted directly in soil as long as it has a node. Yours is well past that . You will need to keep an eye on it for the transition to soil keeping it moist for the transition and slowly backing off as it gets acclimated. Hope this helps you out.
Hi! I personally wait until I have at least three roots which are each three inches long.