
Posted 2Y ago by @SocialTexasash

What’s wrong with Jim?

My boyfriend dug this up at work a brought it home to me I’ve had him for about a week now… we’ll just today I noticed some browning leaves and I don’t k ow what to do with him πŸ˜“. He’s in red clay soil right now due to where I live should I put him in potting soil? Or could it just be shock..? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Best Answer
@SocialTexasash ok. Just keep an eye on him because it could just be shock. I would still consider moving it to potting soil in the future especially if things don’t get better! Happy planting! 🌱
I would definitely consider moving it to potting soil. The soil also looks dry. Was it originally in red clay?
@PlantyPlanter i asked him if this is the dirt he digit out of and he said yes. I had just gotten home from work when I made the post, I’ve given him a good drink of water