
Posted 6M ago by @lonerloaf

How do I revive these guys?

I suck at propagating but wanna save these guys. Especially the one in the blue pot, it’s my very first plant from 2018. Any tips? I hate my plants dying.πŸ₯²
10ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
Try repotting them in a smaller pot with new cactus soil. Trim off the bad parts and using something like clonex rooting gel if you can.
Make sure they get the right amount of heat and light and try to replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible
Cut off all the dead stuff. You said you aren’t great a propagating, have you watched anything on YouTube
@ExclusiveOkra lve watched a lot but I’ve never had a lot of luck with it actually growing after propagation. I have done the leaf and cutting method but idk why it always fails for me.