
Posted 1Y ago by @ComradeCowpea

Is my plant ok?

I've been watering it about every other week but I've noticed some of the leaves have been yellowing. They eventually fall off after a couple of days. New leaves grow in their place or nearby.
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Looks like it’s the oldest/lower leaves, which isn’t anything to be concerned about, especially if accompanied by new growth! Is there wilting/yellowing that seems to be spreading beyond the older leaves, like up top?
Nothing that I can see. Some of the leaves are a darker shade of green, but no yellowing up top
It looks like a very healthy plant to me and while I hate when my lower leaves yellow and come off, definitely makes me feel a whole lot better when there’s a new leaf with it βœ”οΈ
I totally agree with Gary's response. Happy planting, happy growing!
Your plant seems to be just fine! Yellowing on the botyom leaves is natural, but if gets to be a lot then it may be a watering or nutrient issue ^^