
Posted 1Y ago by @ZestyCornbind

My aloe plant ( I don't know what kind of aloe it is) is ...

I keep the plant near my lemon tree that I mist frequently, and I suspect that this aloe might have accidentally got some misting. What can I do to keep the aloe happy? I have a bad history with taking care of succulents, and I would like to succeed this time. #aloe #succulent
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Does it feel squishy? If not, it’s possible it’s just getting too much sun and is getting thirsty faster. This happens to all my aloes and Haworthias when they’ve been exposed to too much light! β˜€οΈ
@dreamlettuce I would say that the leaves feel a bit soft towards the stem but are quite firm towards the ends of the leaves.