
Posted 3w ago by @RegalPeppermint

I dropped a spray bottle on my succulent and all of the l...

I'm new to caring for succulents I had gotten them for Christmas as a gift. So far they are doing okay except for 2. But now I'm not sure what to do and I feel like it should be okay because it's not like the roots have been damaged but I'm not sure what to do. Thank you for any advice #succulent #damagedplant #help #newplantowner
2ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
@RegalPeppermint the spray bottle damage will heal! It’s no worries. I am a bit fearful for our dear succulent friend! They don’t like water much, is the pot no drainage holes? Or is in in a nursery pot with drainage holes? Best of luck! 🌱✨🀩 congratulations on your Christmas babies!!
@Prentyce Thank you for your response. The pot does have a drainage hole at the bottom and a mesh lining.
@RegalPeppermint awesome! You should be a ok then ! :) no crown rot or root rot to worry about. Just keep an eye on the remaining leaves. Remove any dead or mushy if you can to prevent mold, bacterial or fungal diseases! Oh and don’t let the top get wet at all :) can’t have it rotting before it’s had time to heal! Best of luck! :) let me know what questions you have!! :)