
Posted 1Y ago by @Newplantguy

I think she’s deadβ€¦πŸ˜•

I live in southwestern oregon and we’ve had a few freezes but no heavy snow or anything, she gets plenty of water but not as much sunshine. (it’s Oregon haha) There are no new leaves, buds or growth of any kind. 🀨 #Magnolia #MulanMagnolia #PlantAddict #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants
20” pot with drainage
Last watered 10 months ago
Best Answer
This is how I check: use your thumbnail and scrape off a layer of bark close to the soil. When you get to the fresh young tissue, it should be a light green. If you see light green (or it may look yellow), it’s alive! And I would give it time. πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
Looks healthy to me. How long without growth? 1 season after transport?
Leaves will grow back in the spring. Just make sure you add mulch for protection.Looks healthy
@SumFox we had a few leaves and buds/flowers the first season (first season after planting) and the second season has been pretty boring haha
@GoddessRyebrome to protect the soil around the base?
Clean all the weeds and grass around the tree. Loosen the soil in a circle shape, for the benefit of the roots. Next, add mulch around to protect the roots from cold weather. Last, during the summer add mulch to keep moisture in. Make sure you water it during hot summer days. That's what I do for my young trees . I hope it helps yours just how it has mine .πŸ™
Loosening up of the soilΒ allows the roots to penetrate deeper into the soil. It allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep into the soil.Β Removing weeds and grass growing within 18 inches of the tree trunkΒ ensures that all of that water actually reaches the tree roots.Grass and weeds robs water and nutrients from the tree's root development and delays its establishment. A properly placed mulch ring helps conserve moisture and cools the soil aiding in root growth.
@GoddessRyebrome 😊 thank you so much