I have one leaf that has gone limp is turning brown, I ch...

2ft to light, indirect

6” pot with drainage

Last watered 1 week ago
@elisenavidad @Popcornjoness @TheOddAsity @MariansOasis @SuperbRaspfern any Philo Birkin advice?? Following because my recent rescue purchase is doing the same!! :)))
@elisenavidad hahahah WELCOME BEAUTIFUL ANGEL🤩🌱🥳🤓
@Prentyce this looks great. Is there a specific portion that’s concerning you?
It looks like an older leaf. I’d definately keep an eye on it though because of how limp it looks. If you’re worried I’d take it out of the soil and check the roots to rule out the start of a fungal infection or root rot.
It also kind of reminds me of when the plant dries out too much in between watering so when it got watered again, it took in more water than it could utilize resulting in the cells bursting. It kinda has the appearance of a blister when this happens.
It also kind of reminds me of when the plant dries out too much in between watering so when it got watered again, it took in more water than it could utilize resulting in the cells bursting. It kinda has the appearance of a blister when this happens.
@elisenavidad the whole rescue in general 😭🥹 bhahahah idk what went wrong! I treated w 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water. It was extra nasty so I repeated a 5m soak 2 times w/ clean equipment … I’m wondering what is this?? 🤣🤩🌱 idk what I reduced it from!! But it’s in a perlite - orchid bark - organic soil mix. 🥹 a little peat moss in there for extra moisture retention! I treated after with a 3-1 fungicide, miticide etc plant spray.. eek. Idk! (Pic 1 is today, pic 2 is before I repotted - as you can see the rot was there or whatever this is…, pic 3 is the spray treatment I have applied 1 / week since it arrived!) 🥹
@SlinkyPurei HOLY TOLITO THAT IS A GOBSTOPPER OLIVA!!! Check out that leaf shine😮💨😏 guuuuurlll that is incredible!!! Bhahahaha
@Prentyce okay! I wouldn’t stress, honestly. It sounds like this plant went through a bit of work and treatment so a bit of recovery time is expected. Transplant shock can last a few weeks so I’d just keep a good eye on it and keep it one spot where it can adjust.
As far as the white portions, I’d recommend incorporating some silica to the watering regimen if you haven’t already! It is beneficial to all plants however, variegated plants especially benefit from it as it helps the variegation and white portions last longer!
As far as the white portions, I’d recommend incorporating some silica to the watering regimen if you haven’t already! It is beneficial to all plants however, variegated plants especially benefit from it as it helps the variegation and white portions last longer!
@Prentyce just give it time, I bet in the next week or so she’ll be back and better than ever.
@elisenavidad okay yes slay!! That’s on deck.. I’ve had some weird smells coming from the soil recently 🫣🥹 I’m scared to add fertilizer how much to do add ?!🫣😭🤩🌱 thank YOU SO MUCH💫🥹
It’s a little difficult to see in the photo but it appears as though the leaf has a small slice in it. Could it have possibly been bent so the leaf cracked. That happened to a few of the leaves on my Spider plant, Peter Parker, when I moved him to a bigger pot. I simply removed the damaged leaves and he’s recovered remarkably well. Good luck. Hope this is helpful.
@SlinkyPurei yours looks pretty good to me. Occasionally they’ll shed leaves especially when around stressful times such as a new environment or repotting. Christmas was not even a whole month ago yet so it could just be adjusting to the new home. @Prentyce I agree with @elisenavidad that yours just needs time to recover and to let it be in one spot for a while. I definitely wouldn’t fertilize it for a while. It will only force the plant to do something (grow, produce a flower, grow more roots..) and right now it needs to hang out and recover.
@MariansOasis thank you SO MUCH! I will be leaving the plant (🫣🥹 alone bahahahaha!! ) :))) eeek! Thank you SO MUCH!! :)
@MariansOasis thank you! This seems to be what was wrong. When I woke up this morning, it had dropped the leaf. This is the second one it’s lost, but first one that started to look like that and was the biggest one it lost. Hopefully it’s the end of the leaf dropping and the new leaf comes in nicely 🤞 it’s been taking a while to unfurl
@SlinkyPurei I hope it’s on the upswing and you get some nice leaves real soon!🙌