Why are half of the leaves curled?
I’ve noticed a ton of new growth on this syngonium but half of the leaves are curled. Is this normal? If not, what do I need to do?

0ft to light, indirect

4” pot with drainage

Last watered 1 month ago
@MentorParsley Hi Dominee! Looking at Navajo's stats it appears that you are watering enough. When the app tells you that it's time to water do you check the soil to make sure it's dry a couple of inches down before you water? If not you might want to wait and come back in a couple of days to check again. When you finally do water manually update the app. It will learn your watering schedule and reset itself. If that's not the issue it might be a humidity issue. Make sure it's not near a heater or draft that could dry out the air around it. You could mist it or get a humidifier to help during the winter.