
Posted 1M ago by @UberDerenmensis

Can I save my baby sun rose?

I woke up to a viscous murder by my cat 😭 my baby sun rose was ripped from her pot and on the floor, multiple stab wounds and limb loss. I don’t see any strong roots, not sure if they came off in the soil or if she ate them… what do I do? Stick it back in the soil? Water prop? Spag moss prop box? Get rid of the cat? #casualty #BabySunRose #CatsOfGreg #help #rehabplants picture of the murderer at the end.
Last watered 2 months ago
That's gotta be a personal decision Sarah.
Who do you love the most? Your plants or your cat? πŸ€”πŸ₯΄πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
Try repotting it, sun roses will grow back their roots under the right conditions
The β€œculprit” looks innocent! πŸ˜‚πŸ€
I have found that water propagation has been very successful with all three varieties I have! If you have a jar/container, take stems & have them 1/2 to an inch in water, in about 1-2 1/2 weeks should see roots to repot!
Your cat says she is totally innocent.πŸ˜‡ She says she has never lied to you. She says another of those dastardly plants did it. She says, with a tear, β€œWhy don’t you believe me?” @UberDerenmensis