
Posted 1M ago by @HeirBittermelon

Advice requested…

My nerve plant was neglected for a while outside while I was sick. My husband did his best with watering, but I think it got too much sun and maybe needs more soil. I brought it inside and am keeping a close eye on it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
3ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Best Answer
@HeirBittermelon Hi Mary, good humidity may make a difference and help it to recover as these plants can be temperamental. @JesssJungle @LaSiguanaba any suggestions ?
I’ll try a mason jar upside down over the plant. My cloche is too big for this pot…
@Seymour I put a quart mason jar over my plant and it made all of the difference! New growth everywhere. Thank you for the great advice!
@HeirBittermelon These are funny plants, Mary, as they are known to tend to β€œfaint. Your mason jar solution is brilliant so I hope your plant makes a full recovery. I am aware that they are often used in terrariums and seem to do well in those conditions. Give them the right conditions, I find, and they thrive. @LaSiguanaba Rose
I hope you have fully recovered and you enjoy your nerve plant as I find these plants fascinating. the photos aren’t my plants although I do have two red ones.
@HeirBittermelon Hi Mary. I find the key to caring for my nerve plant is getting the moisture level rightβ€”they tend to be fussy plants. When I first got mine, it went thru lots of fainting spells before I finally figured out how often it needed watering. I also find that my plant prefers a grow light over the east facing window I originally had her in. Good luck with your nerve plant and I’d love to see an update! πŸͺ΄πŸ™‚. @Seymour Thanks for the shoutout.
New leaves! It’s watering day as well as feeding day. Hoping for even more improvement. :-)
@LaSiguanaba she’s beautiful
@HeirBittermelon that’s the cutest little baby! Glad it’s coming back for you