
Posted 5M ago by @abby.r

When to do something?

I’ve been watering the mixed array of succulents in this tray when they were dry (and when I remembered lol), and they’ve been in partial sun. I’m not really sure how to propagate; this is my first time purchasing and purposely growing baby succulents. All of the other times the plants had babies on their own. I just need instructions on what to do next—some are growing out plants, but some have yet to, and one is fully apart from the mother propagation leaf. What do I do next?
12ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
I don’t even know what types of succulents these are, so not much help there
Yay, propagation is so fun!! Here’s what I’ve got for tips (I keep a list of stages:)

1.New leaf with no roots or pup (place propagation station in bright airy spot)

2. Some leaves are starting to grow roots and/or small pup is forming

3. The mother leaf is starting to shrivel, more rooting (sometimes the roots don’t really grow for various reasons) and the pup is getting bigger… some leaves grow roots but no pup, and some grow no pup but they grow roots. Some leaves also just don’t survive because they don’t want to propagate. It’s really finicky and you kinda just have to let them do their thing.

4. Mother leaf has fallen off (the pup sucked all the nutrients out) and the pup is able to be on its on

Stage 4 is when they need care and attention because now they’re on their own. You don’t need to do much for them until this stage since the mother leaf if there for them! Once the mother has shriveled up and can be plucked off, the new baby succulent will need its own little space and be watered every few days.
Also, some people like to mist the leaves while they’re growing a pup and roots, and some don’t, I personally like to spritz them with a little water. For the most part, you leave them be to grow on their own because the mother leaf will do it all. I’ve included photos of each stage.
@itsjordan thank you so much!
@abby.r you’re welcome! Healthy, plump leaves are also most likely to give the best success. Broken, icky leaves will likely die on their own. It also sometimes takes leaves a while to start doing anything, just depends on when their active growth time is! I like keeping all the leaves until they for sure are dead and gone because a dormant leaf still has the chance to propagate! 🌱 🙂