
Posted 5M ago by @MajorAngelmoss

Idk what’s wrong with my poor Xena…. She’s not doing well...

6ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
I would wash all dirt off the roots and pop her into water until those roots grow back better
Aww poor Xena! 😭 The section on your palm definitely looks salvageable!... I can see healthy, white roots so that part should do ok straight into soil and watered in.

The other section... It looks a bit far gone tbh 😭🫣 but... I don't generally let THAT stop me from trying to revive it! I would do exactly as Michelle @Michelle5986) suggests... Cut away any squishy, brown roots (even if that leaves you with none!) and try propping her in water? I'm not sure it'll help tbh honey but I would still totally give it a go! πŸ₯° Xx
Thank you, I will try anything!
I’m just looking at this post, just want to give a little bit of insight here. Those very thin white roots that looks like hairs..those are actually rotten roots. A lot of times that happens when the plant dries out too far. When that happens it’s best to just cut them off and reroot them, as everyone else suggested. Little more often watering and humidity can help this out and not happen.