
Posted 1Y ago by @StylishAloe

American Blueberry Plant

Just wondering when I should bring it inside?

Also wondering if others agree that it might be getting too much sun?

I plan on planting this in the ground next year or at least in a bigger pot. #blueberryplant #blueberry
8โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
I noticed your blueberry bush is in a pot without drainage, this could cause root problems.
I've got a blueberry bush in a pot outside where it's been for too years, I don't bring it in in the winter, just mulch around the top of the plant.
Thank you!! I plan on drilling holes in the bottom of this one. Also good to know I should be able to leave it outside!
How did this go for you? I just bought my blueberry about a month or 2 ago and it's chillin outside rn for it's "chilling time" but I'm worried about the roots freezing. If I'm thinking correctly they can stand -30f but im not sure if that applies in a pot. Just curious what you learned over the year. Thanks you in advance