
Posted 5M ago by @Minthe


I didn't overwater like I usually do no not this time. But could it be because of verticillium wilt? I HAVE MY ROSEMARY IN THE SAME POT #mint #mintspearmint #spearmint #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy

I killed a hard-to-kill plant , that's awesome ig :' #happyplants #plantaddict #plantmafia
It got brown and woody. Rip ma bebe fungi">#fungi
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
Pls don't tell me it's the V. Dahliae shi β˜ΉοΈπŸ’”
@Minthe Dimitra, so Sorry! πŸͺ¦ rip. But… that means you need to get (new) a β€œplant” of mint.. maybe not share pots with miss Rosemary! 🫣🀭.
I couldn’t grow mint inside my house. I tried and tried. I threw seeds in a pot and left it outside…. The mint grew by itself and now comes back every year and I use it for my mojitos.
@KDkat3 I do not grow it inside, it gets full sun. Is it being dramatic or is it v. wilt?
@CourtlyKingfern I repoted!!! I also got two new bebes 🫠🌿
@Minthe I find mint to be dramatic until it’s really rooted. By year 2 nothing can kill it.
Mint and Rosemary are a bad combo to plant together. Hopefully you can start over